“Tranquility,” one word for an amateur artist to describe his favorite beach. One day, he had a little walk on the sand with his furry “man’s best friend”, the Labrador. It was a beautiful afternoon; the sun painted the sky yellow and gently sparked each wave with its silver light. The man brought a canvas and some bottles of paint with him; not to mention his favorite tools. He sat on a big rock silently, touched the smooth sand with his feet, and starred at every corner of the beach. The dog sat beside him, waiting for his master to color the plain white canvas.
Suddenly, the furry friend of this man stood on his paws and bark, bringing awareness to its master. The Labrador ran like a win, leaving tiny footprints on the sand behind. His master followed him, keeping a thought that his buddy may be chasing a wild bird. But not long, he stopped. A woman, stroked the Labrador’s fur, was staring at him deeply. She then, smiled, and walked away without any words. She entered a big cave near her, leaving many questions for the man. “Wait…” he tried to call the woman, yet she did not return. The sky turned dark, and still in curiosity and confusion, the man decided to go home, while having hindsight along the way.
“Beautiful yet mysterious. Flawless, yet silent. Who could she be?” the man brooded, trying to solve the afternoon’s riddle. He took his pencils and began to sketch on the canvas. The dog opened its eyes wide to watch every line his master created on the canvas. Time went by as thick lines, soft lines, sharp lines, and faded lines united in the entity of a face, a prominent face to the man.
Her hair, seemed soft like golden velvet, covered her head perfectly. Her dark eyes are as deep as the ocean, Her red lips are half-opened; it seems like words are struggling away from her mouth. The man checked on his recent masterpiece happily, while still wondering about the identity of this woman on his canvas, and in his mind.
The next afternoon, the man came by again with the sketched canvas in his arm, and with the dog who walked beside him. The man, once again, gazed on every corner of the beach, searching for a figure.
“Looking for someone?” Someone asked from behind. The man spontaneously looked back with a gasp. “I was looking for you,” he said, while showing his sketching to the woman.
“Looking for me?” She smiled. “You do not need to look for me. I’m a part of you. I am you.”
“What exactly did you mean?” He asked desperately. The woman touched his cheek and gave a deep stare. The man saw himself in the woman’s eyes while flashbacks are racing in his mind. The giant rock in which he used to sit while creating his masterpieces, was once a place for this woman to brood in the afternoon.
“You were me, and I am you in the present.” She returned the canvas to him, disappeared from the man’s sight. The man checked his sketching again; it was no longer colorful. The sketching turned colorless; black and white, like sceneries from the past. While still representing flawless, beautiful, yet silent and mysterious figure, the face of the woman never looked the same again to the amateur artist.

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